The Scourge Book Tour: review and giveaway

Fans of dystopian YA may want to check out the title we feature today. Reader Girls hosts The Scourge Book Tour presented by Kismet Book Tours . Our review is below and there's a daily giveaway where 30 readers can win an e-book copy of this riveting novel. The Scourge by A.G. Henley YA dystopian*e-book, 242 pages Published January 31st 2012 Purchase The Scourge - Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Smashwords Seventeen-year-old Groundling, Fennel, is Sightless. She’s never been able to see her lush forest home, but she knows its secrets. She knows how the shadows shift when she passes under a canopy of trees. She knows how to hide in the cool, damp caves when the Scourge comes. She knows how devious and arrogant the Groundlings’ tree-dwelling neighbors, the Lofties, can be. And she’s always known this day would come—the day she faces the Scourge alone. The Sightless, like Fenn, are mysteriously protected from the Scourge, the gruesome...