Review-only tour: Only For You (Boys of the South #2) by Marquita Valentine

After reading Live For You , the first book in the Boys of the South series ( my review ), I knew I had to read the next book. Here it is! We are one of today's stops on the Only For You Review-Only Tour hosted by AToMR blog tours . Follow the tour here Only For You (Boys of the South #2) by Marquita Valentine NA Contemporary Romance Release date: September 16, 2013 Loose ends left loose for too long tend to strangle. Cole and Violet knew it wouldn’t be easy. They knew their relationship would take work. But when the press finds out about Violet Lynn’s newest boyfriend, they start digging. And when his past come to light, exposing all of his family’s secrets, their relationship begins to fray. Country Music’s Golden Boy, Jaxon Hunter, has it all, except the girl that got away. What she saw, she really didn’t. What she thought happened, he allowed her to believe for reasons so insane that no one would ever have believed him if he had confessed. ...