Five Blog Tour: author interview & giveaway

Part of what I enjoy in book blogging are the wonderful people we meet, especially authors. Christie Rich is our featured author today as we host the Five Blog Tour . Christie was so sweet, helpful, and answered my questions so quickly I just have to mention this and thank her again. Her book, Five , is FREE on some outlets so go pick it up today! This tour is hosted by SupaGurls Book Tours . Five (Elemental Enmity #1) by Christie Rich YA paranormal*paperback & e-book, 314 pages*Published August 10th 2011 Purchase: Five (Book #1) is FREE on many sites! Amazon US | Amazon UK | Goodreads | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords Rayla Tate’s life is about to turn vertical…again. As if it wasn’t bad enough her mother disappeared under questionable circumstances leaving Rayla to be raised by her aunt in a horrendously small town. Her overprotective guardian is determined to ruin Rayla’s life. She refuses to let Rayla out of her sight or out of the state. Provi...