YA book review: Nightshade (The Poison Diaries Book 2) by MaryRose Wood

Reading level: Ages 13 and up Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: Balzer + Bray (October 25, 2011) ISBN-13: 978-0061802423 Blurb: A dark, gothic tale of romance… and murder.The latest book in the grippingly dark series, The Poison Diaries.Our heroine, Jessamine, has lost her faith in the men she loved, and her innocence as well. She turns to the dark side and plots to kill her father, using his own poisons, before becoming an assassin, a poisoner for hire. Can she recover from her heartache and reunite with her true love, Weed? Find out in this thrilling story where poisons, darkness and horror are a part of everyday life, and love is the only cure. My thoughts: I really enjoyed the intriguing world of alchemy Maryrose Wood created in The Poison Diaries ( our review ) . In the first book teen Jessamine watches over her herbalist father, taking care of him and learning his craft. But not all of it. He omits the poison portion of his teachings--secretive research he's been condu...