Ebook Update

It has been six months since I've had my Kindle and thought I should post about my thoughts regarding eBooks and eReaders. I am so old school when it comes to books. I've been a book reader and collector since I was a kid. I didn't buy many books then but I did frequent the closest public library. I went to the library so much the librarians knew me by name. Why this love of books? So many of us share it, don't we? I'm surprised a cable channel hasn't come up with a show called "Book Hoarders". I'm not sure I'd be featured on it since I have been trying (translate: 'trying' means giving one away and coming home with two more, especially if they're on clearance!) to keep the numbers down. My bookshelves are full and have begun to sag a bit so for my last birthday I asked for an ereader. What the eReader has done for me is made me a believer. Before I was very vocal about NOT getting one or having to give up paper books. I'm ha...