Book 2 Reel Wednesday

I have always been fascinated with the entire adaptation process and finding this weekly blog topic is great. I just rented BRIGHT STAR last week and can still feel the after effects from viewing it. The story, despite its sad outcome, was inspirational and made me realize what a talent Keats was and is. Like Jane Austen (and others), the power of his written words are everlasting. The tale told in this film lasts for three years. Fanny lives next door to Charles Armitage Brown (Paul Schneider), a writer and host to Keats. It becomes obvious he is envious of Keats--of his talent and love for Fanny. He is especially hard on her and the scene in which he grills her over her supposed reading of literary classics displays his meanness. But Fanny is spirited and sassy, with an independent streak as strong as Austen's Elizabeth Bennett. She pursues Keats much to the dismay of society. Keats, ever the gentleman, cannot give in to his desires unless he can amply provide for ...