BLB Tour: Credo's Hope, part 2

Reader Girls is hosting the second part of the Credo's Hope Blog Tour . Author Allison Holt has provided an excerpt from her novel for us to enjoy. We welcome her back. First, we'll post the blurb: Introducing Detective ALEXANDRA WOLFE, a fresh, funny, tough cop who skates on the edge of the law in her quest for justice. A Mafia boss, a hunky bi-sexual nurse, Alex's rescued mutt, Tessa, and her exuberant best friend, MEGAN, help Alex turn her everyday life as a detective upside down. Six years ago, Brian McClelland was murdered, and his brother was convicted of shooting him. When Megan bullies Alex into reviewing the case, Alex discovers that her Captain was the chief investigator who overlooked evidence that might have proved the brother's innocence. Against the Captain's orders and Alex's better judgment, she unofficially re-opens the case and finds herself following a twisted investigative trail left by the murder victim. The problem is, she has no idea wh...