Guest Post: Author Kate Hinderer and Aurora Undefined

This Thursday we are pleased to have author Kate Hinderer stop by. Kate is an independent author and her young adult debut ebook, Aurora Undefined , was recently published. This is the blurb for Aurora Undefined : Aurora is entering her senior year and everything around her seems to be falling apart. Her best friend has joined the cool crowd and she struggles to grapple with the loss. But when tragedy strikes, Aurora realizes what loss is really all about and how moving on becomes a fight of the will, mind and heart. Kate had been watching the casting news excitement for a certain popular dystopian series and thought it would be interesting to write her guest post about having her own novel, Aurora Undefined , made into a movie. Which actors could she envision in the roles of her characters? We welcome Kate Hinderer. It took me one day to read The Hunger Games . I picked it up on a whim and couldn’t put it down. So it’s no surprise I’ve been closely following the casting...