Why We Were Away

You might have noticed we did not post anything for a week. It's not that we weren't reading. We were. When we could. You see, we went on a small vacation as an early birthday present for our very own Meghan who will be celebrating her Sweet 16 next week. In lieu of a party she wanted to see The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, the newest park within a park at Universal Studios' Islands of Adventure . Our family boarded a Jet Blue plane at seven o'clock on Saturday morning and headed to the very green and palm tree filled warm and sunny Orlando, Florida, last week. We had a wonderful time and think Meg has some unforgettable birthday memories. (Thanks to Caity for her pictures.) As we walked around the two parks we kept noticing one major thing: so many of the rides were based on books . There was Seuss Landing , a park filled with the zany creations of the beloved author Dr. Seuss. Green Eggs and Ham anyone? The Cat in the Hat ride was cute and so nostalgic, ...