Embrace Blog Tour: Sneaking Candy by Lisa Burnstein

On this cold wintry Saturday in January, we have the right kind of blog tour to warm things up. Reader Girls is one of today's blogs featured on the Embrace Blog Tour . For our stop, we have our review of author Lisa Burstein's Sneaking Candy . Enter the giveaway too. Thanks and enjoy! Sneaking Candy by Lisa Burstein New Adult contemporary romance Paperback/eBook, 205 pages Published December 9th 2013 by Entangled Publishing All I ever wanted was to make a name for myself as Candice Salinas, creative writing grad student at the University of Miami. Of course, secretly I already have made a name for myself: as Candy Sloane, self-published erotic romance writer. Though thrilled that my books are selling and I have actual fans, if anyone at UM found out, I could lose my scholarship…and the respect of my faculty advisor, grade-A-asshole Professor Dylan. Enter James Walker, super-hot local barista and—surprise!—my student. Even though I know a relationship is totally ...