Bound Blog Tour: Character Bio (Gryphon & Maela) & giveaway

We thought it would be a great idea for you to get to know the characters from the “Eternal Guardian” Series as “Bound” book 6 was released on March 26, 2013! Each Guardian has own unique gifts, personality and characteristic! Meet Maelea and Gryphon from “Enslaved” (bk 5). This tour is hosted by Enchantress of Books Blog Tours . Bound (Eternal Guardians #6) by Elisabeth Naughton Purchase: Amazon (Paperback) | Amazon (Kindle) | B&N | Kobo | All Romance ebooks TITUS—To most his gift seems like a blessing, but for him it’s a curse the other Eternal Guardians—those who protect the mortal realm from threats of the Underworld—seek to exploit. One he would gladly trade for the chance to be free… Obsessed. Her touch is like a drug. From the moment he met her, Titus knew she was different. Even dangerous. Yet though his guardian brethren are convinced Natasa is working for Hades, Titus can’t stop thinking about her. Can’t stop fantasizing about her. Can’t...