Allegiance Blog Tour: playlist and review

This is the first day of the Allegiance Blog Tour hosted by Supa Gurl Tours . Allegiance is the third book in the Casual Enchantment paranormal series by author K.A. Tucker. For today's post, the author has provided us with her playlist. We also have our review.* ( *Note: If our review is NOT up then we have lost our power due to Hurricane Sandy. ) Allegiance (Causal Enchantment #3) by K.A. Tucker paranormal romance*paperback & e-book, 320 pages* Published September 25th 2012 by Papoti Books Purchase: Amazon Evangeline finally got what she longed for—the cursed pendant off her neck and Caden in her arms—only it came at a steep price. An unknown poison now courses through her body, slowly morphing her into something no one but the Fates can foresee.She has her suspicions, though...and if she is right, it will spell certain ruin for her and Caden. But she won’t last long enough to realize that, if Viggo and Mortimer uncover the treasonous secre...