Guest Post and Giveaway with YA author Amanda Brice

We welcome the weekend and with it an Author Guest Post that was scheduled to run yesterday. With the Blogger outage on Thursday, we are a day behind. Reader Girls welcomes Amanda Brice, author of the YA novel Codename: Dancer (Dani Spevak Mystery #1) to our blog today. First, let's tell you about Codename: Dancer . Here's the summary: Aspiring ballerina Dani Spevak is thrilled when hit TV show Teen Celebrity Dance Off comes to the campus of her performing arts boarding school. She trades the barre for the ballroom and gets set to cha-cha-cha to stardom with Hollywood wonderboy Nick Galliano. At first their partnership is awkward, because Dani is in awe of her longtime teen idol crush. But soon their chemistry is heating up the dance floor and the attraction moves into real life. Her excitement is short-lived, because someone wants her off the show. Bombs, poisoning, arson… Will Dani’s 15 minutes of fame be over before she reaches age 15? Dani and her friends are suddenly at ...