IBC's Masquerade: The Demon Kiss by Lacey Weatherford

**We were so excited to participate in the IBC's Masquerade this week we ran our review for Lacey Weatherford's The Demon Kiss one day earlier than scheduled. We apologize for the snafu.** Everyone who comments below will receive a FREE ebook copy of this second title in Of Witches and Warlocks YA series. Also every commenter on Lacey Weatherford's website will get the book (for FREE!) and be entered into her grand prize giveaway affectionately titled "Portia's Potions," which is a fun little potions kit full of candy masquerading as poisons, potions, and tonics. Paperback: 326 pages Publisher: CreateSpace (July 26, 2011) Book blurb: Can someone else's past come back to bite you? Book blurb: After being drained of nearly all the blood in her body, novice witch, Portia Mullins, wakes up to find that her warlock boyfriend, Vance Mangum, has fled in search of his demon father. Determined to keep him from facing the evil alone Portia foll...