Finding My Faith Book Tour: Guest post, excerpt + Giveaway

Finding My Faith by Carly Fall Genre: Fantasy Format: Paperback (366 pages) and eBook (386 KB) Publisher: Westward Publishing, March 1, 2012 (first published February 29, 2012) Blurb: Growing up in a small Northern Arizona town, Faith Cloudfoot’s life was spent playing in the forests surrounding her house under the protective eyes of her father, and learning about the legends of her Native American heritage. Yearning for more out of her life, she moves to Phoenix, Arizona at the age of twenty-three where she is kidnapped and almost killed. Rayner has a special ability, one that weighs on him like a curse. He can see spirits trapped in between life and their final resting place. Because he can’t do much to help them, he studiously ignores them. He concentrates, instead, on working with his fellow warriors to right the wrongs caused by the evil criminals from his home planet. When Rayner sees Faith in her spirit form while investigating a lead in Phoenix, his attraction to...