Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who entered our Spooktacular Book Blog Giveaway Hop contests. The response to our Prize Packs was awesome and we're so happy so many entered. The winner of Prize Pack #1 is Lisa McGeen ! Lisa has won a new hardcover edition of Burned and the ARC of Blood Feud . The winner of Prize Pack #2 is Audrey ! She won a new ARC of Spells and You Are So Undead to Me . Both winners have been notified and have until Wednesday night to contact us. Thanks to everyone for entering. ReaderGirls will be participating in I Am A Reader, Not a Writer's Gratitude Giveaways this month (begins on November 17, ends on November 27). We are also gathering more prizes for our Blogoversary celebration which we will announce at the end of this month. The winner of our Sophie Simon ARC is Brooke ! Congratulations everyone! All Prizes have been claimed and will be shipped soon.