Author stop: Laura Elliot and 13 on Halloween

Reader Girls is featuring author Laura A.H. Elliot on our blog today. She has written a YA novel entitled 13 On Halloween (book one of the Teen Halloween Scene series). So what’s 13 ON HALLOWEEN about? Twelve-year-old Roxie wants to be like Adrianne, the peacock who gets everything she wants––a trampoline, a flock to prowl around the mall with, and most especially invitations to parties. But everything changes when Roxie invites all the peacocks in the eighth grade to her thirteenth birthday party on Halloween and they all come. And a boy, the boy, actually talks to Roxie. Roxie has the best night of her life until the peacocks decide they want to celebrate her birthday in a way Roxie never expects––in her attic, with a pact to never tell a living soul what happens there. What inspired 13 on Halloween ? My friends made me write it! They always laugh at me when I say “I hamster,” or, “I gopher.” They said I should write the way I talk. I sort of rolled my eyes. But then it dawned on...