The Uninvited by Cat Winters #blogtour with review and #giveaway @catwinters @bookslapped

Welcome on this Thursday in August. We have a historical novel with a touch of the paranormal on tap today as we present The Uninvited Blog Tour. We hope you enjoy today's offerings of our review and a giveaway. Thanks for spending time with us. The Uninvited by Cat Winters Historical fiction Paperback/eBook, 368 pages Published August 11th 2015 by William Morrow Synopsis: Set in a Chicago suburb in 1918, THE UNINVITED is equal parts gothic ghost-story and psychological thriller. It immerses readers in the vibrant, detailed world of a young woman during the influenza pandemic and the Great War. Twenty-five year old Ivy Rowan rises from her bed after being struck by the flu, only to discover the world has been torn apart in just a few short days. But Ivy’s life-long gift—or curse—remains unchanged; she sees the uninvited ones, ghosts of loved ones who appear to her, unasked, unwelcomed, and always as the harbinger of impending death. On that October evening in...