Tour of Secrets & contest

Reader Girls is ecstatic to be the tour stop today for The Secret of Spruce Knoll . It has been a wonderful journey watching and reading Heather McCorkle's journey from aspiring writer to published author. Congratulations Heather on the publication of your first book! What is The Secret of Spruce Knoll ? This book is a Young Adult urban fantasy and here's the blurb: Following the tragic death of her parents, Eren Donovan moves to Spruce Knoll to live with her aunt. Little does Eren know the entire town of Spruce Knoll is filled with “channelers”—a magical group of people who immigrated to the small Colorado town when they were driven out of their own lands. Channelers are tied to the fate of the world. As the world slowly dies, so do they—and they alone have the power to stop the destruction of Earth. Now, Eren learns she not only lives among them, but she is one. When she meets local boy Aiden, his charm convinces her that being a ch...