Gratitude Giveaways Book Blog Hop

It's November 17th and that means today is the launch of the Gratitude Giveaways Book Blog Hop . ReaderGirls are participating in Inspired Kathy's twelve day hop. There are over 170 book blogs joining in on the giveaway train. Please stop over at the other blogs and support them through the Mr. Linky below. We would like to thank our readers for their comments and support by giving back to them. Our contest is open to U.S. , Canada and International readers. Our only stipulation is to be a follower of our blog in order to enter. One entry per person per prize pack (so enter for all 4 prize packs, just once) . Okay! Ready for what we're giving away? Get ready, here they are: Prize Pack #1: For the Girls Taken by Storm by Angela Morrison (ARC) YA paperback: 304 pages, Razorbill Summary: Leesie Hunt has many rules: No kissing. No sex. No dating outside the Mormon faith. When Michael Waldenaa deep-sea diver who lost his parents in a violent hurricane arrives ...