AWESOME Contest news

We passed on the news of the first contest Sea Lion Books held for a signed graphic novel of Hush, Hush and that cool purse and now Sea Lion has announced another contest in celebration of this upcoming release! They thought a graphic novel this epic deserved something extra special and as fans know, it does! Both covers for the first volume in this series are great (the other cover is below) but the Limited Edition is pretty spectacular and it has a prologue. Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush Graphic Novel: Limited Edition Prologue will be released on October 1. You can only order this special edition for $10.00 from the Sea Lion Books store tab . If you're a fan of Patch and Nora, this is a great opportunity to order this special edition because there will only be 1,000 copies available . So not only is this an important piece to the contest puzzle but you will be one of only a thousand people to own this piece of Becca Fitzpatrick’s ...