Teaser Tuesdays

To participate in Teaser Tuesdays is simple: take your current read, choose two sentences from any page and post (be sure to not post any spoilers). Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of ShouldBeReading . Our choice this week is from page 158 of Lara Adrian's latest Midnight Breed novel, Taken by Midnight (book #8). "His smile spread lazily, those sensual lips parting to reveal the white flash of his teeth--and the growing length of his fangs. Jenna stared at his mouth, knowing that basic human survival instincts should be throwing off all sorts of alarms, warning her that getting too close to those sharp canines could be deadly." Adrian's Midnight Breed series is one of my favorite adult paranormal book indulgences. Opening up any of these novels will surely keep any vampire fan engrossed until the very last page. Book summary: The eighth novel in Adrian's Midnight Breed series. In the frozen Alaskan wilderness, former state troope...