Resonance blog tour: review & giveaway

Hi everyone! Welcome to our stop on the Resonance Blog Tour . I have my review and author J.A. Belfield has a very special giveaway for readers. Thanks for stopping by. If paranormal and urban fantasy is your love, check out this series. For the other tour stops, go here . Resonance (Holloway Pack #2.5) by J.A. Belfield Urban fantasy*Ebook, 106 pages Published April 2nd 2013 by J.Taylor Publishing Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | KoboBooks Guilt is a heavy burden for the one carrying it. Jem Stonehouse is no exception to this rule. What if she’d acted sooner? What if she’d fully recognised the threat? What if she hadn’t allowed the male pack members to head into the witches’ ambush? For one, youngest pack member Josh Larsen wouldn’t be trapped in the sleep of the dead. Now, Jem is convinced it’s her job to bring him back to life no matter what it takes— learning more about her heritage, risking pack expos...