Girls Love Travis Walker: excerpt, guest post and giveaway

We hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday. We are today's stop on the Girls Love Travis Walker Blog Tour , hosted by Reading Addiction Book Tours . We have a Guest Post written by author Anne Pfeffer and an excerpt. There is also a tour-wide giveaway to enter. Have a great weekend! Girls Love Travis Walker by Anne Pfeffer New Adult Contemporary Paperback/eBook, 323 pages Date Published: 3/15/13 Purchase: Amazon To nineteen-year-old high school dropout Travis Walker, women are like snowflakes-- each one different, but beautiful in her own way.He can charm any girl he meets, and yet down deep he fears he'll always be a loser like his jailbird father. As the landlady threatens to evict him and his sick mother, Travis takes a job he hates and spends his evenings picking up girls at a nearby night spot.When he enlists in a teen program at the local fire station, he finds out he’s amazing at it. Then he meets the smoking hot Kat Summers, enlists Kat’s fr...