Blogfest 2010 Winners!

BlogFest 2010 was a great experience for us. Thank you to all of our old and new followers! And now we are happy to announce the winners of the prizes: PRIZE PACK #1: xxsquigglesxx has won Radiance , Strawberry Hill and Keeper . PRIZE PACK #2: Amber has won Taken By Storm , Things You Either Hate or Love and Lost For Words . PRIZE PACK #3: Allana has won Magic under Glass and Anastasia's Secret . Congratulations to our winners. They have been contacted and have three days to reply (or we may have to select another winner). Again, thanks to everyone for participating and signing up. Watch out for our upcoming contests for I Now Pronounce You Someone Else , Hope in Patience , Sophie Simon Tells All and our month long Halloween Boo ktacular Event .