Blog tour: Nightingale by Cathy Maxwell + excerpt, review & giveaway

Follow Tour Good day to all and welcome to our stop on the Nightingale blog tour. Reader Girls has an excerpt from this alluring historical romance, our review, and a giveaway. Enjoy! Nightingale by Cathy Maxwell Historical romance eBook, 96 pages Publisher: Avon: Impulse (August 26th, 2014) Fate has brought them together -again. At one time, Jemma had meant the world to Dane Pendleton, but then she betrayed their young love by marrying another for his title and fortune. Now Time has turned the tables. Dane is wealthy, respected, knighted and the widowed Jemma has nothing but her pride. His honor for hers . . . Dane’s name is on the lips of every beauty in London. They whisper he learned “tricks” while he was in the Orient. But has he forgotten Jemma, now Lady Mosby, and what they had once meant to each other? And will he accept her devil’s bargain? In every woman’s life, there is that one love who slipped away. The man who makes her wonder “what if?” But is this a...