Book review: Vaempires: Revolution (The Evolutionary War, #1) by Thomas Winship

Genre: YA paranormal/urban fantasy File Size: ebook, 202 KB Print Length: 216 pages Source ISBN: 1466398647 Publisher: Thomas Winship (October 28, 2011) Blurb: It is the morning of Princess Cassandra’s sixteenth birthday. Everyone’s attention is focused on the heir to the vampire throne. World leaders, the rich and famous, and VIPs from every corner of the globe have gathered in the nation’s capital to celebrate the momentous event. Cassandra’s boyfriend, Daniel, is late for the party. He’s still outside the city when all hell breaks loose. What he believes is an act of terrorism proves to be a full-fledged revolution. Væmpires—former vampires who mutated into warm-blooded creatures with an insatiable hunger for cold blood—have launched coordinated attacks across the globe, with three goals: the eradication of humanity, the enslavement of vampires, and the ascension of væmpires as the dominant species on the planet. The vampire and human leaders are killed. Cassandra is missin...