The Symptoms of My Insanity blog tour: review

Reader Girls is the last stop on The Symptoms of My Insanity Blog Tour presented by YA Books Central . Head on over to their site to enter their giveaway. We have our thoughts on this contemporary YA below. Happy Friday everyone! The Symptoms of My Insanity by Mindy Raf YA contemporary*Hardcover, 384 pages Expected publication: April 18th 2013 by Dial Books for Young Readers A laugh-out-loud, bittersweet debut full of wit, wisdom, heart, and a hilarious, unforgettable heroine. When you’re a hypochondriac, there are a million different things that could be wrong with you, but for Izzy, focusing on what could be wrong might be keeping her from dealing with what’s really wrong. I almost raised my hand, but what would I say? “Mr. Bayer, may I please be excused? I’m not totally positive, but I think I might have cancer.” No way. Then everyone at school would know, and they would treat me differently, and I would be known as “Izzy, that poor girl who diagnosed hers...