BSP: The Vampire's Curse Blog Tour & Giveaway

What an exciting and tour-filled Wednesday we have. Here is the second tour we are hosting today, T he Vampire's Curse Blog Tour . Many will know we LOVED the first book, The Vampire Warden ( our review ), and will post our review of the second title soon. We are so thrilled to welcome S.J. Wright to our site today. We are also happy to let everyone know the author will give one ebook copy of The Vampire's Curse to one commenter (so make sure you leave your email with your comment). We welcome everyone, especially author S.J. Wright. Here is the blurb : Still reeling from having witnessed the vampire battle on her property that left her friend Alex a vampire himself, Sarah Wood is surprised yet again. This time, it's by a familiar face from the past. Sarah's guilt pushes her into doing something unbelievable. Sarah's ex-boyfriend, Trevor, causes some trouble that will have lasting effects. Michael finds himself in the unusual position of savi...