What's Going On: July 1-7 (including R.A.K.)

We have been debating what to do about posting weekly activity here at Reader Girls. We used to participate in other memes but we have decided not to do that any more. There are more things going on besides receiving books so we've decided to do a What's Going On weekly (or bi-weekly post depending on our activity level), in which we'll share with everyone things we've done or received for that past week. Of course, we will begin with books. And one final parting note: we hit a milestone here during the week with our 1000th post! We know a lot of our posts are book tours, but we never thought we would hit that high a number. We received for review: Our biggest surprise: Laurie did a happy dance when this arc arrived but then she squealed like a fangirl at a Bieber concert. We were featured on the back cover of this arc with a quote from our review of The Rift Walker ! When you love a book series as much as our mom loves this series by Clay and Susan Gri...