BREAK OUT Virtual Book Tour

Reader Girls is very proud to be participating in the Virtual Book T our run by Bewitching Book Tours for Nina Croft's latest novel, Break Out: Book One of the Blood Hunter series. Science fiction. Romance. Vampires. Ms. Croft's newest book encompasses all three genres and has already been generating stellar reviews for a title which was only published yesterday by Entangled Publishing (go check out Entangled Publishing 's website--their titles look and sound aah-mazing ). The author also has a guest post to share with us about her cast of characters. Here's the blurb for Break Out : Irreverent. Irresponsible. Insatiable. Who says immortals can't have any fun? The year is 3048, Earth is no longer habitable, and man has fled to the stars where they’ve discovered the secret of immortality—Meridian. Unfortunately, the radioactive mineral is exorbitantly expensive and only available to a select few. A new class comprised of the super rich and immortal soo...