Night Sky Book Tour: Review

On this Memorial Day, we honor all of those who have fought and continue to fight for our United States. On the blog we have two YA book tours. The first is Hotblood and the second is Night Sky. We share our review below. Welcome and Happy Memorial Day. Night Sky by Jolene Perry ISBN: 9780983741862 ISBN: 9781466052338 Genre: YA contemporary romance Format: ebook (247 pages) Publisher: Tribute Books March 1, 2012) Blurb: Girl I’ve loved, girl I’m falling for. Now that they’re both in view, the problem is clear. After losing Sarah, the friend he’s loved, to some other guy, Jameson meets Sky. Her Native American roots, fluid movements, and need for brutal honesty become addictive fast. This is good. Jameson needs distraction – his dad leaves for another woman, his mom’s walking around like a zombie, and Sarah’s new boyfriend can’t keep his hands off of her. As he spends time with Sky and learns about her village, her totems, and her friends with drums - she's wa...