Your Child's Writing Life tour & Guest Post by Pam Allyn

There is a gaping hole in parenting literature. Despite the numerous bestsellers showing how to instill a love of reading, no book shows how to cultivate a love of an equally essential skill: writing. Finally, Pam Allyn, a nationally recognized educator and literacy expert, teaches us that writing is a fundamental part of self-discovery and critical to success later in life. Pam is the absolute best author for a book of this kind. She is the Executive Director of LitLife, a nationally recognized organization specializing in transformative school improvement through literacy education, and is also the Executive Director of LitWorld, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing quality education to the world’s most vulnerable children. In YOUR CHILD’S WRITING LIFE: How to Inspire Your Child’s Confidence, Creativity, and Skill at Every Age (Avery, Paperback Original, August 2011, $16.00), award-winning educator, literacy expert and author of What to Read When: The Books and Storie...