Moonlight Mayhem Book Tour

We host the Moonlight Mayem Book Tour today. Welcome. Hi everyone, I’m Sherry Soule—waving from Castro Valley, California, where it gets pretty foggy even in the summer. And even with the fog burning off by afternoon, I’m chilling on my laptop and chatting on Twitter about my favorite books and movies. Thank you for letting me hang out today as part of my epic Moonlight Mayhem Blog Tour this summer. It’s a thrill to get to be a guest and meet all these awesome booklovers. My tour has been so much fun and it is nice seeing the familiar names in the comment section of each guest post. For those of you who haven’t heard about my Moonlight Mayhem blog tour it’s not too late to join the fun! To celebrate the release of author, Sherry Soule’s new paranormal, romance novel, MOONLIGHT MAYHEM, we thought it might be entertaining if she did an interview with one of the the main characters from her recent release, MOONLIGHT MAYHEM . Sherry has decided to interview the heroine, ...