Blog tour: Light a Candle for the Beast by Echo Shea with guest post and giveaway @EchoShea @RoanePublishing #PNR #FairyTale #Giveaway

Welcome to Reader Girls. Where we live in New York it's cold and gray out. What better way to spend a day like this than with a book, right? I recently read this story and all I will say is Echo Shea's story is dark and engrossing. I'm thrilled to be a part of this tour and to be able to help spread the word about my fellow Roane Publishing author(s). Enjoy our stop on the Light a Candle for the Beast blog tour ! Title: Light a Candle for the Beast Author: Echo Shea Publisher: Roane Publishing Release Date: November 26, 2014 Keywords: Romance, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Fairy Tale, Beauty and the Beast If you’ve ever been caught in a riptide, pulled down into the water, then you know me. Or, more accurately, what I’m like when I’m angry. Delia was beautiful, smart, and kind. He wasn’t. He said he loved her, but he didn’t know what love was. He was manipulative and cruel -- more than a thief. A beast. All she wanted was a rose… These are the words ...