Author Stop: Lexus Luke talks about Manitou The Sky People Saga

Today's Author Stop is from indie YA author Lexus Luke. Her debut novel, Manitou The Sky People Saga , was published on July 26 and Lexus Luke is offering one of our readers a FREE copy of her book. Details are below. Book blurb: When her adoptive parents were murdered a year ago in New York City, fifteen-year-old Wray Sky moved home to Manitou Springs, Colorado to live with her Ute Indian great-grandmother. Wray’s faith in all that is logical gets rocked to the core by bones that never die, her sudden mind bending abilities and the realization that her parents' murder may not have been as random as everyone thought. With support from sweetheart, Kanaan, and best friend, Amaya, Wray faces danger from unknown sources and ultimately discovers that she isn’t who, or what, she thinks she is. Guest Post Do you know where you come from? What you are and who you are? Are you sure? What if that certainty was in doubt? Shaken by shocking information, Wray Sky, the fifteen year...