Waiting on Wednesday (August 18, 2010).

Waiting on Wednesday was started by breaking the spine . This week we chose Through Her Eyes by Jennifer Archer. Check out this book description: The last thing Tansy wants to do is move with her family to middle-of-nowhere Texas. But once there, she is immediately drawn into her new home’s disturbing history. Through the lens of her camera, Tansy enters a surreal black-and-white time and finds her life linked to mysterious, troubled Henry, who lived in the very same house and died as a teenager decades earlier. But the more time she spends in the past, the more her present world starts to fade away, and Tansy must untangle herself from Henry’s dangerous reality before her own life disappears completely. Sounds creepy, intriguing, and has a photographic spin. Love the cover. Through Her Eyes , a 240 page YA novel, will be published by HarperTeen on April 5, 2011.