Book review: The Vampire's Warden by S. J. Wright

Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 155 KB Blurb: It was a flash in the moonlight, a blur of motion like I’d never witnessed before. No human had the capacity to move like that. When I found myself face-to-face with him there in the meadow, I knew without a doubt that the journal was authentic. I knew that my grandfather hadn’t been crazy at all. Because a foot away from me stood a vampire. Sarah Brightman reads her grandfather's journal in stunned disbelief. What was once her grandfather's responsibility has passed to her father and now to her. She has become the Warden. Her life will never be the same. Our review: Sarah is the oldest of two and after her father's death has to carry the responsibilities of running the family inn. At twenty three she is already older and wiser than others her age. Her younger sister, Katie, is away at college and Nelly, family caretaker and substitute mother figure, helps Sarah run the bed and breakfast. When the story opens, Sarah l...