BSP: The Keepers Blog Tour & Giveaway

Reader Girls is today's stop for The Keepers Blog Tour . The Keepers may be classified as a YA paranormal romance but this story deals with other issues like faith, loss, heartbreak and angels. Author Monique O'Connor James is sharing an excerpt form her novel and offering one copy to one of our readers. First, let's share the blurb with you. Book blurb: Jess denies God. In his infinite wisdom, he's taken everyone she's ever loved. Moving to the French Quarter was a ploy to erase the guilt she felt for rebuking her faith. Perhaps, if she hadn't met Justin, an angel preoccupied with getting back into God's good graces, and drowning in his hatred for humanity, her plan would have worked. Justin's general disdain for the human race makes him difficult to like, but some higher power has appointed him her keeper. Justin's convinced he can mend her broken relationship with her maker, but in the process he learns a thing or two about his own human...