Book review: Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed #11) by Lara Adrian

Edge of Dawn (Midnight Breed #11) by Lara Adrian Paranormal romance*Hardcover, 1st Edition, 300 pages Published February 26th 2013 by Delacorte Press (first published February 21st 2013) Twenty years after the terror of First Dawn—when mankind learned that vampires lived secretly among them—the threat of violence reigns as the two species struggle to coexist. The only group preserving the fragile harmony is the Order, an elite cadre of Breed warriors dedicated to protecting humans and vampires alike. And in this precarious world of torn loyalties and shattered trust, Mira, a fiery squad captain, finds that every fight bears an intensely personal cost. Raised among the Order, Mira has always believed in the warrior’s code of swift—and even lethal—justice. But the one thing she desires more than the Order’s hard-won acceptance is Kellan Archer, a sexy but troubled Breed fighter. In love with him since childhood, Mira once broke through his tough exterior during an un...