Book review: Cupcake Explosion (Cupcakes #4) by Bethany Lopez @BethanyLopez2

Cupcake Explosion (Cupcakes #4) by Bethany Lopez Romantic comedy eBook and paperback, 196 pages Published May 14, 2018 For the first time in a long time, life is good. I've got a smokin' hot motorcycle man as my fiancé, the best friends a woman could have, a couple of great kids, and things have been relatively quiet on the PI front. You know what that means... the other shoe was bound to drop sooner or later... Just when I was ready to settle down and plan the coolest wedding Greenswood has ever seen, the shit hit the fan, and hit it hard. My friends are fighting, Cade's been out of town doing God knows what for the club, and my sweet little twins are turning into hair-pulling pre-teens with more drama than my old daytime soaps. I feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions, and I've been going so crazy that Elin's swear jar is near to overflowing. I've been eating cupcakes like a woman possessed, and if I'm not careful, there's going to be...