Dangerous Neighbors by Beth Kephart

Reading level: Young Adult Hardcover: 192 pages Publisher: EgmontUSA (August 24, 2010) Book summary: It is 1876, the year of the Centennial in Philadelphia. Katherine has lost her twin sister Anna in a tragic skating accident. One wickedly hot September day, Katherine sets out for the exhibition grounds to cut short the haunted life she no longer wants to live. My review: I think of myself as someone who loves words and language. When I read a book by Kephart all I can do is admire her skill--she is a craftsman of prose. She truly brings to life the Philadelphia Centennial fair from 1876 with her lushly detailed passages and well researched historical points. Scenery is featured as a prominent character in Dangerous Neighbors and I found myself rereading sections to truly appreciate her creations. When surviving twin Katherine gazes upon the exhibits at the fair I could easily picture them. What I found really interesting was how the author took a story about a teen w...