Teaser Tuesdays (May 17, 2011)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by Miz B at ShouldBeReading where you randomly take two l ines from your current read and highlight them in a post. Our choice this week is from Steel by Carrie Vaughn. "Jill was in something of a panic--she hadn't thought this through, she knew nothing about how Blane fought, it was dark, hard to see by wavering firelight, the ground was rocky, all of it about the worst conditions for a fight she could imagine. But at least she recognized that she was panicking. She might be able to at least stave it off before Blane ran her through--" Yep, that's three lines but I didn't want to end on the second line. Wasn't the third line a hooker? It certainly kept me reading. Steel is turning out to be a fun read and don'tcha just love that cover?! My review will be up soon. What's your Teaser Tuesday pick?