On The Island Event: guest post, giveaways and Scavenger Hunt

Thank you for participating in the ON THE ISLAND Event! This week in addition to reviews and posts, select blogs are hosting a word from the author's favorite quotes in the book as a Scavenger Hunt ! There is one quote from Anna and one from T.J. Visit each stop this week to find the hidden words (they will be numbered for order) and after July 22nd, submit your answer to the quotes here ! Random winners for books and swag will be chosen and notified by July 29th. Also, next week July 23-27, there will be even more events and chances to win the book and swag! Monday, July 23 at 8:00 pm CST - Chat with the author Tracey Garvis Graves! We will be chatting with the author on Savor Chat: http://www.savorchat.com/chat/on-the-island-chat Come join us! (You can sign in with twitter or facebook) Each day look at #ontheisland on twitter for random shout outs to win books and swag! @Tale_of_Reviews ON THE ISLAND released in bookstores Tuesday, July 10th! If...