Author spotlight: Michael Scotto

Reader Girls welcomes author Michael Scotto to our blog today to celebrate the release of his contemporary middle grade novel, Latasha and the Little Red Tornado . Book blurb: Eight-year-old Latasha Gandy cannot wait to grow up. Her puppy, Ella Fitzgerald, on the other hand, absolutely refuses to! When Ella’s antics push the Gandys’ landlady to wits’ end, Latasha realizes that she must turn her mischievous mutt into a model dog. At turns hilarious and heartbreaking, this tale of friendship and maturity chronicles Latasha’s efforts to train Ella as she struggles with school and her mother’s demanding new job. First, I'd like to thank Readergirls for inviting me to celebrate my book's birthday with them. Latasha and the Little Red Tornado is my first novel, and the book blogging community has shown such incredible support. It's really put a lot of wind in my sails. I've spent a lot of time deciding what to share in the space I have. I'll begin with an ...