Contagion by Joanne Dahme

Reading level: Young Adult Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Running Press Kids; 1 edition (October 5, 2010) Summary: R ose Dugan is a young and beautiful woman living in Philadelphia in the late 19th century passionate about keeping Philadelphia’s water reservoir clean and healthy. But when Rose starts receiving threatening letters, warning her to convince her husband to shut down his plans for a water filtration system or else, things take a turn for the worse. A conspicuous murder and butting heads cause Rose to search for the culprit, the truth, and a way to keep the people of Philadelphia safe from contagion in more ways than one. Our review: Another solid historical novel I liked. There was a nice mix of mystery, suspense, secrets, some romance and eerie situations. The time period is the 19th century, the setting is Philadelphia. Rose, 18, is married and witnesses her friend's murder but she wonders if she was the intended victim. Her husband, a power hungry contra...