Get Caught in UNDERTOW and #WIN!

Undertow , the shocking sequel to Dragonfly , is OUT NOW! Early Readers are saying... "An incredibly powerful sequel to Dragonfly. I found myself riveted to the last page by the depth of feeling, loss, tragedy, and love in this gorgeously woven story. A definite must-read." --Jolene Perry, author of Out of Play "As far as a second book for a series goes, Undertow knocked it out of the park." --Jessica, Bend in the Binding reviews "My God I am so emotional! I have to give a huge KUDOS to Leigh because she knows how to write a story like no one's business!" --Tee, Diary of a Book Addict reviews " Undertow pulled me under and left me gasping for air and wanting so much more. I couldn’t stop thinking about these characters, and now I’ll never be able to get a shirtless Bill Kyser out of my head." --Magan Vernon, bestselling author of The Only Exception "Amazing! The characters are lovely, but they're also flawed...