Teaser Tuesdays (June 28, 2011)

The date says Tuesdays and this is the day we share a little 'tease' from what we're reading. Since school is officially over for two of us, we all have something to share. First up is Caity. She's finishing up Allison Van Diepen's latest YA, The Vampire Stalker . "When he finally pulled back, I saw a burning look in his eyes. We didn't speak for a while as we both tried to regain the control we'd lost. "Forgive me," Alexander said. I wanted him to kiss me again, but I wasn't sure I could speak. Or move." Meg's tease is from Ghost Medicine by Andrew Smith. "I like the color of the sun at dusk, when it cuts down away in the west, turning the air a kind of amber like the whole world is seen through the smoke of Tom and Gabriel's fire. I like the way fading light sucks all the lingering heat from the day at that time of year." Laurie's tease comes from Divergent by Veronica Roth. "My knees give o...