Lady Runaway Book Tour + excerpt and giveaway

Presented by Goddess Fish Promotions Reader Girls hosts the Lady Runaway Book Tour today. Author Ginger Hanson let us interview her and we hope you'll delight in her replies as much as we did. The author is also sharing an excerpt with us and news of her giveaway. We welcome Ginger Hanson and you to our blog today. It's refreshing to see how you've switched the roles of the main characters in your novel. She's a thief and he wants to save her instead of the other way around. GH: To ground your readers, I’ve started out with the blurb for Lady Runaway : Fleeing arrest by a spurned suitor, Lady Riana Travistock heads for London where she is knifed in a street brawl when she helps a man attacked by footpads. Luckily for Lady Riana, the victim of the attack is army surgeon Captain Devlin Carrington who takes her home to tend her injury. When Dev cuts off her blood-soaked chemise to stitch the knife wound, a fortune in jewels spill out. Has he saved a...