Waiting on Wednesday

This week we chose The Returning by Christine Hinwood (YA, published by Dial, April 14, 2011). The story sounds engrossing: medieval times, war, return home, a called off wedding . The blurb by Megan Whalen Turner--"A beautiful examination of the complexities of love and loyalty in the aftermath of war"--also makes you want to quickly read the jacket copy. The gorgeous cover with the pale blue sky, a beautiful tree and lone rider, really captured our eye. Book synopsis: An engrossing epic tale with a cast of characters that will hijack your heart. Cam Attling, having lost an arm, is the only one from his town of Kayforl to return after twelve years of war. All his fellow soldiers were slain, and suspicion surrounds him. When his betrothal to Graceful Fenister is called off and his role in the community questioned, Cam leaves to find the lord who maimed him but spared his life, seeking answers and a new place in the world. But this is not just Cam's story, it'...